In respect of FSRs, EasyEquities acts as principal to a contract for difference issued to the investor, where the investor will have a contractual claim against EasyEquities to the economic benefits and risks associated with share ownership (price movements and dividends) without having ownership rights in the underlying share. Fractional share rights (FSRs) which are issued through a contract for difference, are an over the counter derivative. Unlike whole shares, FSRs do not carry any voting rights. As the investor makes further investments in FSRs and ultimately ends up with a whole share, the contract for difference is closed out and ownership whole share is delivered to the investor.
The availability of any share on the EasyEquities platform is based on various factors but is not an indication of value and does not mean that any share is an appropriate investment for you.
The availability of any share on the browse shares page does not necessarily indicate any contractual relationship between EasyEquities and the listed company, or the payment of fees for services. Brand Logos are owned by the respective companies and not by EasyEquities. The use of a company’s brand logo does not represent an endorsement of EasyEquities by the company, nor an endorsement of the company by EasyEquities, nor does it necessarily imply any contractual relationship. Further investment disclosures are available on the EasyEquities website.
* Note exchange prices are delayed in accordance with regional exchange rules. South African prices are delayed by 15 minutes; North American prices are delayed by 15 minutes; Australian prices are delayed by 20 minutes.
EasyEquities is a subsidiary of Purple Group Limited, a company listed on the JSE Limited (PPE)