EasyAssetManagement is a data-driven. algorithmic asset manager. Our goal is to be South Africa’s best asset manager at a reasonable cost.
What this means is that we utilise our proprietary technology to analyse data in the market. Data can be both technical. such as changes in price and volatility. or fundamental. such as changes in a company’s free cash flow generation. book value. or reported earnings.
This analysis is used to create our building-block portfolios. We use these building blocks to construct multi-asset portfolios that are targeted to maximise returns for a specific risk profile
On the “active” side of EasyAssetManagement’s portfolio construction. we analyse the risk factors that affect a company’s operating structure and stock performance. However. instead of relying on identifying such risks via company visits and discussions with management. we look only at the data and use our algorithms to dissect the information to find the risk factors.
Therefore EasyAssetManagement takes the best of both passive and active strategies in order to produce consistent. replicable and universal rules-based “building-block” portfolios that perform optimally over a range of economic cycles.
Calculate your risk number HERE
Bundle Fee 0.75%
RA Investable | NO |
Launch Date | 2018/05/31 |
Benchmark | MSCI World(ZAR) |
Minimum Time Horizon | 3 Years |
Management/Bundle Fee | 0.75% |
TER | 0.42% |
Estimated TC | 0.10% |
Estimated TIC | 1.27% |
Feb 2025 | 3.18% |
Last 3 Months | 0.89% |
Last 6 Months | 6.85% |
YTD | 13.26% |
Last 12 Months | 32.82% |
Last 3 Years | N/A |
Last 5 Years | N/A |
Since Inception | N/A |
Since Inception | 18.81% |
1 Year Volatility | 16.41% |
3 Year Volatility | 19.68% |
Best Month | 15.77% |
Worst Month | -12.48% |
Maximum Drawdown | -24.62% |
Bonds | 0% |
Property | 0% |
Cash | 1.96% |
Local Equity | 0,00% |
Foreign Equity | 98.04% |
Here is a list of companies/ETFs that make up this bundle.
Sector Foreign Equity |
Industry |
Sub Industry |
Industry Group Name |
Sector Foreign Equity |
Industry |
Sub Industry |
Industry Group Name |
Sector Foreign Equity |
Industry |
Sub Industry |
Industry Group Name |
EasyWealth is a product of First World Trader (Pty) Ltd t/a EasyEquities (registration number 1999/021265/07) which is an authorized Financial Services Provider (FSP number 22588) and a registered credit provider (NCRCP 12294).The contents of this website are for information purposes only. The information listed herein is of a factual nature and must not be construed as financial advice. The value of financial products can go down, as well as up, as a result of a variety of factors depending on the type of financial products such as a change in the value of the underlying investments, company profits, future prospects and more general market factors. An investor may not recoup the full amount invested. Source of performance data: EasyEquities platform. Past performance is not necessarily an indication of future performance. All performance figures reported are the actual performance of the model portfolio taken from the EasyEquities platform. Bundles without model portfolios (static weights) are excluded. The volatility is calculated as the annualised standard deviation of monthly percentage returns. For periods greater than 1 year, performance is annualised. Forecasts, illustrations, hypothetical data and examples are for illustrative purposes only and are not guaranteed to occur. Any projections contained in the information are estimates only and are not guaranteed to occur. The projections, if any, are subject to market influences and contingent upon matters outside the control of the company, so may not be realised in the future. The investment value, if any, of a financial product is not guaranteed.
Postal address: Postnet Suite 247, Private Bag X1, Melrose Arch, 2076. Physical address: WeWork - Coworking Office Space, 173 Oxford Road, Rosebank, Gauteng, 2196. Telephone number: 087 940 6000. Email: helpme@easyequities.co.za Website: www.easywealth.co.za. The complaints policy, conflict of interest management policy and full disclosure required in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002 can be found on the website: www.easyequities.co.za.